
    Avalon Lavender Products

    We are proud to carry a wide range of amazing lavender products. These include:

    Lavender bundles
    Lavender pillow sachets
    Lavender creamed honey
    Fresh Lavender Spray for linens and pillows,
    English Lavender Essential Oil
    French Lavender Essential Oil
    Lavender Simple Syrup
    Lavender Peppermint Tea
    Lavish Earth Whipped Body Butter
    Lavender Bar Soap
    Lavender Hand Soap
    Lavender Hand Cream
    Lavender Lip Lotion
    Lavender Candles
    Lavender Mini-Bath Bombs
    Lavender Tub Tea

    All of our products are hand crafted in small batches. For summer 2024, we've made the decision to not sell online. We have such high demand for products in summer, it can be challenging to keep product on our shelves. So for Summer 2024, find our products on farm, or at one of the many farmer's markets we sell at.

    Watch for us to return to online retail in the fall.  

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